The School of Cool
July 18, 2022

The School of Cool is a wing project of our school. It is an art, music theatre and life school that is working to create a global learning community. It offers curriculum and learning methods that help to connect learning to real world and life that fosters the idea of learning beyond walls. It is organizing many new programs for the students which they are enjoying a lot as it focuses on their holistic development as they grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually which is very important for them. Students through this program get the opportunity to engage, experience, expand empower and enrich beyond. Our goal is to build the future leaders of the world who are equipped with the right attitude, knowledge and skills they need to be able to succeed in the world of today. Here, students also learn to define their own versions and meanings of success for themselves. They are working on to be free of conditioning and cope with the modern lifestyle with ease.